Per diventare esperti di fotografia naturalistica ci vuole sangue freddo e un amore viscerale nei confronti della Natura. Ma oggi secondo il fotografo Marco Colombo siamo così lontani dagli animali e dall'ambiente da aver dimenticato che la Terra è anche la nostra casa.Continua a leggere
The main idea of the text is that the only way to protect nature is by experiencing and living within it.
Wildlife photographer Marco Colombo argues that our modern society is too disconnected from nature, leading to a lack of understanding and care for the environment. He believes that reconnecting with nature through experiences and immersion is crucial to fostering a sense of responsibility and ultimately protecting it.
The main idea of the text is that the only way to protect nature is by experiencing and living within it. Wildlife photographer Marco Colombo argues that our modern society is too disconnected from nature, leading to a lack of understanding and care for the environment. He believes that reconnecting with nature through experiences and immersion is crucial to fostering a sense of responsibility and ultimately protecting it.